A brief introduction to the SIEF framework, and why we should show the expansives in our lives a lot of love.
Hi, everyone, thanks for tuning in. So today
Leela Sinha:I'm going to explain a little bit about the SIEF, the Sinha
Leela Sinha:Intensive-Expensive Framework, which I reference a lot, but
Leela Sinha:don't talk about a lot here. I'm going to change that. Because I
Leela Sinha:think it's important to understand the basics in order
Leela Sinha:to understand some of the underlying principles to what
Leela Sinha:I'm talking about. So the SIEF is a spectrum description of
Leela Sinha:people's behavior. It describes levels of intensity, at one end
Leela Sinha:are the intensives. And at one end, or the expansives. I
Leela Sinha:invented this framework. I developed it starting in about
Leela Sinha:2014. And in 2016, I published a book about it. It's called
Leela Sinha:"You're not too Much." It's available on Amazon and through
Leela Sinha:Ingram press. So the question is, what is an intensive?
Leela Sinha:Intensives are people who are super intense. Go Go Go. Rest
Leela Sinha:rest rest. Go Go Go. Rest rest rest. Disruptors, creatives,
founders:all tend to be intensives. So if that's you,
founders:I'll talk more about intensives later, but I talk about
founders:intensives a lot. And what I want to really focus on today,
founders:I'm trying to keep myself down under 10 minutes, is expansives.
founders:expansives are the other end of the spectrum. And expansives are
founders:the ones who are calm, collected, steady. They're the
founders:ones who are reliable, who have a tendency to do the same things
founders:and to prefer to do the same things over and over again.
founders:Expansives do not need novelty. Expansives do not need
founders:revolution. Expansives do not necessarily want novelty or
founders:revolution. Samwise Gamgee is an expansive. He spends the entire
founders:trip driven by duty, which is very expansive. Traveling with
founders:an intensive, Frodo is definitely an intensive. But he
founders:keeps saying "I don't think this is a good idea Mr. Frodo."
founders:Expansives like to see data. Expansives like logic to explain
founders:why they're doing what they're doing. But if you give them a
founders:system, and you say this is your job, please do it. Here are the
founders:steps, they will just sit there and do all the steps, in order,
founders:fairly happily, unless it's actually making them miserable.
founders:But just having to do the same thing over and over again,
founders:doesn't usually make them miserable. Yes, they can be
founders:creatives is one of my favorite painters is an expansive. But
founders:they don't need this like driving knife edge of novelty
founders:that so many intensives do. And they don't seek it out. They're
founders:not as attached to adrenaline. They're not as attached to
founders:opening up vistas and discovering things that nobody
founders:else has discovered before. They're happy to be like
founders:somebody else did that work. We all know what's happening. Now I
founders:know what's happening, that's great. And just work with that.
founders:They're not, they're not always questioning, they're not always
founders:disrupting, that's not what expansives do. Expansives are
founders:happy to just dig into what's there. Expansives do not
founders:necessarily have a life passion. Expansives like comfort and
founders:satisfaction. And routine. An expansive's life dream might
founders:literally be to have a fence around the yard, to own a house,
founders:to mow a lawn, to take the kids to whatever soccer or ballet or
founders:whatever. And then to stay home and watch TV. Like that could be
founders:an expansive's dream. And that's the whole dream. There's- it's
founders:not like there's more. And there doesn't have to be more, right?
founders:For intensives it's hard for us to conceive of a life that
founders:doesn't drive towards some kind of giant vision or big
founders:transformation. But for expansives really that
founders:satisfaction, that comfort, that routine, that predictability,
founders:that safety is what they crave. And because of that intensives
founders:and expansives work really well together. Because intensives are
founders:often driven by all that novelty and all that revolution and all
founders:that transformation and expansives are like, you know, I
founders:don't need to transform I could just keep- keep, this is fine.
founders:Like there's no real reason for me to change. Expansives are the
founders:ones who just, you know, buy the next computer when the old one
founders:wears out. And that's it. They're not interested in the
founders:shiny new toys. They don't care about the new technology. They
founders:just want a computer that works. They will never stand in line
founders:around the block waiting for a midnight release of anything.
founders:Unless it's really important to someone else in their life like
founders:their kid or their spouse, and they're trying to be supportive
founders:of their kid or their spouse. That's that duty drive.
founders:They're driven by duty not by novelty, not by revolution. Not
founders:by discovery. And because they're driven by duty, it's
founders:really easy for us to have some challenges with them. But that's
founders:because when you're driven by, by passion and inspiration, it's
founders:hard to imagine anything else. And for them, they're like, I
founders:don't understand why you can't just settle down and be
founders:satisfied with what you've got. We see this in, in Hamilton, the
founders:conflict between Alexander Hamilton and Eliza, his wife,
founders:where Hamilton is like, "I gotta go, I gotta do things I'm
founders:writing all the time." And she's like, "why do you write like
founders:you're running out of time? Why can't you just be here and be
founders:happy to be alive and be with me and have kids and like, just be
founders:satisfied." But, you know, his inability to do that, is
founders:foreshadowed at the beginning, when he tells Angelica, that she
founders:will never be satisfied, he's never satisfied. And that
founders:tension is set up not just between him and Angelica, but
founders:also between him and his life. And between him and his wife.
founders:Because his wife has a very different experience of life,
founders:she just wants some peace. She just wants some stability, she
founders:just wants happiness. And he wants everything. So if you have
founders:someone in your life, who is expansive, if you're a business
founders:owner, and you need to hire an expansive we- we often find that
founders:we need expansives on our teams. Expansives to help us stay
founders:grounded. Expansives to help remind us that we have to finish
founders:the task that we started. Expansives to help us think
founders:through the full ramifications of what we're about to do.
founders:Expansives to give us some balance, to give us some
founders:steadiness, some stability, some ballast in this ship that we're
founders:driving into high winds. It's really easy for us to get
founders:impatient, but instead we can stop and really appreciate what
founders:they have to offer us. Whether they're our business partner, or
founders:a life partner, or a kid, like somebody who's like, you know
founders:what, this, this could be sufficient. We don't necessarily
founders:want that in our business, we're not ready to settle, it's
founders:generally not a good idea to settle, especially in the early
founders:stages. But this could be sufficient. This could be
founders:sufficient. It's a good thing to keep close in your heart and to
founders:keep close in business as we're working in business. And to
founders:really appreciate rather than becoming impatient and
founders:frustrated with somebody who wants to see the data, who wants
founders:everything lined up, who doesn't want to start before everything
founders:is prepped and ready to go. These are the people who in a
founders:commercial kitchen will put the entire mise en place in place
founders:before they start cooking as opposed to those of us who like
founders:start throwing stuff on the stove and turn on the gas and
founders:then oh yeah, I should probably grab some of that stuff and like
founders:prep it and chop it. I actually think that's why sous chefs are
founders:so important because sous chefs and prep chefs and like the
founders:other kitchen staff are so much better at making sure that
founders:everything is ready so that when the chef turns around and needs
founders:to grab that thing that thing is right there. It's been put in
founders:place. So so if you are an expansive with intensives, know
founders:that we appreciate you. And if you're an intensive with
founders:expansives, take the time to really appreciate who they are
founders:and how they change your life. So if if you know an expansive,
founders:tell them thank