PowerPivot Podcast


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“It’s a spark. It’s a glimmer. It’s the thing that happens that keeps us on the phone for three hours…. It’s the shimmer under the...

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Browse or binge, poetry and prose about ethics, power, and business.


“When I get stuck, I forget why I do any of the things that I do. I forget the sparkle in someone’s eye when they find out for the first time that they’re an intensive,...
“Maybe I will eat a single, ripe, peach. Anything. Anything to completion…. We forget that the restoration is possible. And then something happens and we remember. But we don’t have to wait for it to...
“What I discovered, over several false hires, is that the skills are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, skills can be trained, sometimes skills are the least important part of the iceberg.” Using...
“Today, what does your body say? What do you need to say no to? What is your body saying no to?” Listening to our bodies. Listening to our guts. Sometimes we have a bad feeling...
“pleasure doesn’t start with orgasm-level excitement. Pleasure starts with the seeds of safety.” On the impact of stress and need on our abilities as (especially intensive) leaders; on how feeling safe makes us more human...
“It’s May. It’s Pleasure Month, here at the Intensives Institute. And we’re thinking about ways to allow our sense of pleasure to be part of our guidance system, to be part of our awareness system....
“Sometimes I’m right, and it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they’re having their life and they’re experiencing their thing. And when you bring that to leadership, it completely changes how you function… Above all,...
“…what SIEF does, that the other ones don’t do, is lifts out this one set of behaviors and characteristics, just one- it’s one axis…. This isn’t meant to say that we’re one dimensional; this is...
“We just had a full moon, which is traditionally the letting-go-of-things moon. That always surprises me, because fullness makes me think of taking things on. But no, when your arms are full, you have to...
Kimra Luna: “…when you’re with those like-minded people, and you know that you’re doing something to make the world better… you get hope automatically. It starts filling you up.” Leela Sinha in compelling conversation with...