PowerPivot Podcast


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Paul Baron: “what they really liked about the wall printer, which is what I’m most proud of, is that every customer we have, becomes a...

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Browse or binge, poetry and prose about ethics, power, and business.


“Can I tell you something? Use the tools. Use the tools you have. Use them all the way….” We’ll start with the dishwasher- but you know this isn’t just about the dishwasher. This is about...
“It’s a hard thing for us as intensives, to let go of our original vision. And sometimes we get stuck.” What do we do when we have to shift from plan A to plan B...
Samara Bay: “When we tell a story about a tiny moment, and how it impacted us, it is actually the most revealing thing of our character we could possibly do. Where we come from does...
“Forcing ourselves, as intensives, to take time and energy and focus never goes well. Expansives call that discipline, but we call that torture. Don’t torture yourself.” On the virtues and challenges of taking one’s time-...
“You can do a lot things with ash, but what you can’t do is get more heat out of ash. Because all of the heat, all of the calories stored, have been released. Often we...
“There was one seed that just got it into its head that it was going to take over the world. And it did.” Growing things that will thrive in the conditions that exist; and also,...
“If you have complicated grain, if you’re complicated, you need extremely sharp tools and extremely skilled craftspeople…. You need to understand the sharpening as a part of the process, not an interruption of the process.”...
“Here’s what I want to give you. I want to give you the low slant of light as fall creeps in. I want to give you a double handful of freshly picked raspberries too soft...
“When it comes time for us to harvest, when the air and the sun and the water and the sky all shift in the direction of fall- it is also time to turn toward rest.”...
“We’re going to build connections, we’re going to build community. We’re going to build common care into the fabric of our lives. And I know this sounds like more work. But this is the nourishment...