PowerPivot Podcast


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“what do we do with with that… fizz? The fizz in the bottle that’s been shaken that is going to explode? What do we do...

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Browse or binge, poetry and prose about ethics, power, and business.


existing, taking up space, being beautiful Thank you for joining us for this episode of PowerPivot, with guest Lindley Ashline. Our music is by @demilife. Lindley can be found online at https://www.facebook.com/bodyliberationphotos/ and https://www.bodyliberationphotos.com/ note...
flipping the script, women’s empowerment through kink, and owning your desires Thank you for listening to this episode of PowerPivot with guest Kali Williams of Badass Breakthrough. Thanks to Andy Dolph for production assistance and...
money, power, sex, funding! Thank you for listening to today’s PowerPivot episode with guest Briana Cavenaugh! Thanks to @demilife for the music, and @larissafae and @melindaloquita for the transcript edits. You can find Briana online...
submission, kink, sex, and power…and how an imaginary assistant improved her bottom line Thank you for listening to today’s episode of PowerPivot. Thanks to @demilife for our music and @larissafae for the transcript cleanup. Our...
Power, privilege, and institutional leadership in education Thank you for listening to today’s episode of PowerPivot. Our guest was Kimberly Shepherd. You can reach her at KSAeducationalconsulting.com and her new project’s working title is Another...
“Am I wielding privilege when I think I’m wielding the truth?” — Laura Thank you for listening today! You can find Laura Jackson online on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/laura.jackson.9235199 or through her tinyletter. https://tinyletter.com/ResilientSeedCompany We mentioned...
What could we change if we changed who holds the purse strings? Thank you for listening to this week’s episode, with Brigette Iarrusso of Embrace Change! We’d like to apologize for the mic problems on...
power, community, responsibility, and…erotica with tentacles? Thanks for listening! Many thanks to our guest Nobilis Reed; his podcast is called Nobilis Erotica and is found at nobilis.libsyn.com. Leela Sinha is head of The Intensives Institute...
attractiveness, fatness, power, and reclamation Thank you for listening to this podcast, with guest Tiana Dodson, fat body liberation coach. You can find her podcast, The One Beautiful Yes at her website tianadodson.com/podcast/2 or through...
law, living in Mexico, trauma, power, and politics Many thanks to our guest today, Rebecka Eggers. You can find her online at http://thepassionpath.vision Her book is here: https://www.amazon.com/Coming-Alive-Spirituality-Passionately-Domination-ebook/dp/B00FFI2BTA/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1577751488&sr=8-2&fbclid=IwAR2iH7arOUPQWWCrZ0Qc1LtfIA_Y1HiuZqGwJp1tdjrpMPp-SjBxzg7ivSE from Amazon. CN for this episode: mention...