by goodintensive | Aug 12, 2023 | Gallery, member events, salon
NOTE THE NEW DATE: SEPTEMBER 21 Good Intensives of the institute, September is coming, and our theme is going to be avoiding, getting through, and recovering from burnout. *using your intensiveness* –not avoiding it. Using it. Ease. Spaciousness. Resting in...
by goodintensive | Jun 6, 2023 | Gallery, member events, salon
Woohoooo! Next leadership salon is coming, is coming, is coming next salon is commmiiinnnngggg! Theme: Lush Abundance Bring a reading or poem to share, if you’d like, no more than 500 words, on the theme. Join us!
by goodintensive | Apr 19, 2023 | Gallery, Great Hall, member events, members area, salon
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by goodintensive | Apr 16, 2023 | Gallery, member events, salon
Leadership Members! Come to our April salon where we’ll talk about struggle, ease, and how to move from one to the other. I’m working on a fabulous special guest for us who can talk a bit about how to make that transition easier. It’s going to be...
by goodintensive | Apr 4, 2023 | member events, salon
Time flies! We are fast approaching the dates for our next two Leadership member salons. Themes TBD but save the dates: April 20 (4-6 pm Pacific) and June 8 (10-12 am Pacific). Salons are our in-person, live-only, hang out with intensives and talk with one another...
by goodintensive | Nov 15, 2022 | member events, salon, Uncategorized
First Salon! Date: Thursday, December 15,Time: 4-6 PM Pacific US time (7-9 PM Eastern),Location: in the Great Hall space on (link). Join the Salon intensives. together! join us! Our inaugural salon will be a chance for all the new members, at both levels, to...