poems out a window

poems out a window

I stumbled across this, the poet laureate of Oregon, delivering poems out his studio window, and the story of it.  He’s Black and Iranian and embedded in the Pacific Northwest. It inspires me to wonder if I, too, could just…pick a place and start reading....
Fixing Therapy

Fixing Therapy

Lately, my therapist has been stuck. I can tell, because recently they asked me what I thought we could ACTUALLY work on.  I had been talking about the state of the world, and how it impacts me, and they finally said, “well we can’t fix that.” It...
Burnout! September Salon Theme

Burnout! September Salon Theme

NOTE THE NEW DATE: SEPTEMBER 21 Good Intensives of the institute, September is coming, and our theme is going to be avoiding, getting through, and recovering from burnout.  *using your intensiveness* –not avoiding it. Using it. Ease. Spaciousness. Resting in...
Zoom alternatives

Zoom alternatives

As ethical business owners and leaders with a strong sense of justice, Zoom’s latest nonsense around AI useage is absolutely raising a red flag for us.  Of course when I saw this news at 4am, it kept me up for a while, because it’s distressing! Here are...